Apr 10, 2020

I ran into the same problem with Melodic command not found.. Stigma ( 2019-08-04 23:37:51 -0500 ) edit Hi, I have the same problem. Nov 14, 2015 · Posted February 15, 2018 By rocksstaradi. To install zip unzip package in your server - sudo apt-get install zip unzip; Now you can upload the zip into your target destination folder by FTP like Filezilla or command prompt. Aug 05, 2005 · It was stupid of me to make Demudi my first Linux try. Demudi does not recognize my wireless connection, so over the past week I have been piecing together faqs, downloads, etc., all via another computer. I think I have all the pieces now, but I need MAKE! make: command not found Has anyone had success with the Rehmudi version? The dh_make command will create some template configuration files under the debian directory. Most of them come with filenames suffixed by .ex. Some of them come with filenames prefixed by the binary package name such as package. Take a look at all of them. [54] Some template configuration files for debhelper may not be created by the dh_make Example-1: wget command without any option. The following `wget` command will download the index.html file from the site, linuxhint.com and the file will be stored on the current working directory. ‘ls’ command is used here to check the html file is created or not in the current directory. $ Feb 19, 2019 · The sudo command (short for Super-user do) is a program designed to allow users to execute commands with the security privileges of another user, by default the root user. In this guide, we will show you how to create a new user on a Debian system and give it sudo access.

By default sudo is not installed on Debian, but you can install it. First enable su-mode: su - Install sudo by running: apt-get install sudo -y. After that you would need to play around with users and permissions. Give sudo right to your own user. usermod -aG sudo yourusername. Make sure your sudoers file have sudo group added. Run:

Reported by: Matthias Klose Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:04:24 UTC. Severity: serious Tags: bullseye, sid. Found in version dmrconfig/1.1+git20190919 /bin/sh: cc: command not found -- Debian Solutions Hi, Thanks for your quick response I tried apt-get -b gcc, it has started installing and asking for Linux/Debian CD. Today CD guy is not here. Will try tommorow.

I think you need to install the debhelper package. FYI the kernel-patch-freeswan will not build against kernel 2.4.21. There is a bug reported on this if you want more info.

(Note: the make install step is optional, cmake will run from the build directory.) If you are not using the GNU C++ compiler, you need to tell the bootstrap script (or cmake) which compiler you want to use. This is done by setting the environment variables CC and CXX before running it. For example: CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system. CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. Here are the simple steps to download, configure, compile, and install CMake on a Linux machine. How to Enable SSH Server for Remote Login on Debian 9. In this article, I will show you how to install and configure SSH server on Debian 9 Stretch for remote login. Let’s get started. Installing SSH Server: First update the apt package repository cache of your Debian operating system with the following command: $ debian提示 make: command not found 甜于 2018-11-30 11:09:15 4564 收藏 1 分类专栏: linux Hello, I am very new to solaris and i have a question for you. When i try using the command make i get the message: make: Command not found I think I need to set the path properly but i am not sure. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks, Chirag