United Kingdom DNS Servers - What's My DNS?

Apr 17, 2020 Overcome Lag With This Fast DNS Server for Gaming What is DNS? Domain Name System, it simply converts the domain name (www.google.com) into IP address ( Hence it can be identified as unique ID in the internet. It’s easier to identify the IP address than the name, because so many fake websites are used under the same name. HSCN/Transition Network DNS - NHS Digital

Click the radio button 'Use the following DNS server addresses:' and type and in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields. Click OK button, then the Close button, then Close again. Finally, close the Network and Sharing Center window.

Apr 17, 2020 Overcome Lag With This Fast DNS Server for Gaming

DNS Leaks – IPVanish

May 08, 2020 UK ISP DNS Server Settings | Increase Broadband Speed