Setting up DD-WRT as a wireless repeater. Keep in mind that some router models (especially older routers) do allow you to set up the router as a repeater natively, which means you don’t need to

How to setup a DD-WRT WiFi repeater bridge Overview. DD-WRT is really a powerful router firmware and one of many cool things you can do with it is – to setup a Necessary information to acquire before configuration. WiFi network mode and channel width. All these information can be WiFi repeater Wlan Repeater. Do a hard reset ). Under Wireless -> Basic Settings : Wireless mode: Repeater. Wireless Network Mode: [set to match the host] Wireless Network Name (SSID): [set to match the host] Save. Add one virtual interface. Enter a new (unique) SSID of your choice. Save. Under Wireless->Wireless

I just completed this setup with two originally separate networks at two adjacent homes: Pic 1. My router in question is the one. It is ASUS RT-AC68U C1 router with Broadcom BCM4360. It has two radios (one 5GHz and one 2.4GHz) and I set up TWO repeater bridges, one for each radio, to link the two networks into one.

Linking Routers - DD-WRT Wiki

Oct 02, 2011 · Upgrading to WPA will not only simplify the Repeater set up process but it will simultaneously boost your wireless encryption security. Instructions on How to Upgrade the Wireless Security Mode in DD-WRT. 1) Log into your DD-WRT Router. 2) Click on the Wireless tab then the second level tab Wireless Security.

Wlan Repeater. Do a hard reset ). Under Wireless -> Basic Settings : Wireless mode: Repeater. Wireless Network Mode: [set to match the host] Wireless Network Name (SSID): [set to match the host] Save. Add one virtual interface. Enter a new (unique) SSID of your choice. Save. Under Wireless->Wireless Repeater / Repeater Bridge - Extend the Wireless access area using a second router WIRELESSLY connected to the primary. The secondary router must have dd-wrt installed; the primary does not need dd-wrt. Repeater Bridge - A wireless repeater with DHCP & NAT disabled, clients on same subnet as host AP (primary router).