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May 17, 2010 · [PSA] PS4 network options for better speeds: Google DNS ( & and set MTU size to 1473

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Bonjour, Je n'arrive plus à accéder à mes serveurs dont avec comme DNS= . lorsque je change le DNS, j'y accède. Malheureusement pour moi, j'administre un réseau de plus de 1000 utilisateurs avec un adressage statique. il m'est laborieux de I have my pfsense router working with everything, but for some reason I cannot ping but can ping (and anything else I try). I found by searching that someone else had the same issue I have, and they reinstalled the router was the only way is Google DNS works for all site?Now my Network Adapter (ipv4) is set to Google DNS ( and, but still some sites are blocked by TM/Gomen.How to solve this issue?